Archive for January, 2013

Visitors to Canada insurance cash value benefits-1

Visitors to Canada insurance benefit plans offer emergency medical coverage to visitors, immigrants, foreign students, and Canadians without government health insurance protection. The emergency medical coverage and benefits include emergency medical expenses, return to departure point, bedside companion,transportation cost for the repatriation of remains, follow-up medical visits, insured person or travelling companion subsistence allowance, emergency […]


Travel insurance cash value benefits-1

Travel insurance provides you with cash value benefits so as to protect you medically and financially anytime anywhere you travel outside your home province or territory.  You are smart to purchase travel insurance to achieve gains of cash value benefits, in case emergency medical situation and expenses happen to you. With travel medical insurance protection, […]


Disability cash value benefits-1

You know that the lifestyle you enjoy, your children’s college education, and your savings for a comfortable retirement all depend on your ability to work and earn money.  But disability can happen in an instant, both on work and off work, when a sudden accident or incident or serious illness leaves you unable to work […]


Life insurance cash value benefits-1

Life insurance creates cash value when it is most needed in life. Life insurance is one of the easiest simplest important ways to help protect your loved ones in your family, with a large amount of tax-free cash value, called death benefit. This is a love gift from your heart, which you know that will do […]


Critical illness cash value benefits

One of the biggest pains in our life is facing the challenge of critical illness, both financially and emotionally. Critical illness can strike anyone at any time.  According to Statistics Canada, 40% of Canadian women and 45% of Canadian men will develop cancer during their lifetimes, and 1 out of 4 Canadians is expected to […]