



1. RRSP Contribution 注册退休储蓄计划的供款
2. Union & Prof. Dues 工会会费及专业费
3. Child Care/ Camp Fees 幼儿园、季冬/夏令营的费用
4. Moving Expenses 搬家费
5. Public Transit Passes 月票、年票费
6. Alimony Paid 赡养费
7. Investment Loans Interest 借钱投资的利息费
8. Employment Expenses Form T2200 雇佣费用
9. Disability Certificate T2201 残疾证
10. Tuition Receipt T2202 学费
11. Safety Deposit Box 租保险箱的费用
12. Charitable Donation Receipts 慈善捐款的费用
13. Political Contribution Receipts 政治捐款费用
14. Medical & Dental Expenses 处方药的药费及看牙医的费用
15. Rental or Property taxes Payment 所负的房租或地税费用
16.T5006 Slip or Official LSIF Tax Credit Certificate 购买劳工基金的费用 
17.Student Loan Interest Paid 支付的学生贷款的利息


另外,报税时,要带去年的税局评估信(Notice of Assessment),和所有与报税相关的收据及收入信息,这些收据和收入信息包括:

1.T4 for employment income and commissions
2.T4A (OAS) old age pension,T4A (P) Canada pension
3.T4RSP, T4RIF slips for withdrawals from an RRSP or RRIF
4.T4A for other income
5.Other T-Slips—T3, T5, T600, T4E
6.RC62 Universal Child Care Benefit
7.T5007 Social Assistance or WSIB Benefit
8.Rental Income 出租收入
9.Professional/ Business/ Commission Income 生意、佣金收入
10.Alimony/Child Support Received 所收的赡养费
11.Sale of Shares, Real Estate, Stocks 股份、地产及股票收益
12.Details of foreign income and foreign taxes paid 海外收入及报税细节
13.Details of property addressed, income and expenses for rental properties
14.T1135 海外资产申报的细节



Yan Li 李燕

Yan Li 李燕

(李燕,加拿大价值人生金融理财公司总裁;加拿大安省注册教师;保险顾问,总统大奖获得者;作者;翻译;价值人生教练;电话:416-388-6484;电子信箱:yan@find-the-value-in-life.com   网址:www.find-the-value-in-life.com)

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